By Rabbi Mona Decker
Recently members of Kehillah Chadashah traveled to Temple Beth Shalom of Miami Beach to receive the gift of a Torah. Following are Rabbi Mona's thoughts shared while visiting the synagogue.
Shabbat Shalom,
Words cannot adequately express how grateful we are to you, Rabbi Davis, members of Temple Beth Shalom, and Judy and Martin for making this gift of a Sefer Torah possible.
It is said in Jewish tradition that Torah begins and ends with chesed, kindness, or loving deeds. In fact, Torah is called "Torat Chesed" when people learn Torah in order to teach it to others. We will use this Sefer Torah in the spirit of Torat Chesed: We will learn and grow from its wisdom and teachings. We will pass down to our children (who are here tonight) the beauty of our heritage. Kehillah Chadashah is a vibrant, active, and growing congregation. We will honor and cherish this Torah, always.
The founding of Beth Shalom in the 1940's began with an act of chesed. Rabbi Kronish went out through the neighborhoods, knocking on doors that displayed a mezuzah, and welcoming families into his new congregation. We strive to follow in that spirit of hospitality in our own community. Know that our doors are always open to you when you are in NE Florida.
Again, thank you for your kindness and support. Hazak hazak, v'nithazek. May we go from strength to strength and let us strengthen one another.
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